Marvel’s Daredevil Netflix Show Looks Like ‘The Wire’ With Ninjas And Punching


Okay, I’m being a little charitable (because I’m excited!). It looks like Law & Order with ninjas and punching. It even has Criminal Intent‘s Vincent D’Onofrio in it. Now while I haven’t been all that big on legal procedurals since they cancelled The Practice, I can say that I’m very much into blind ninja legal procedurals, and I have the stack of Daredevil comics to prove it.

So yeah, the first Daredevil Netflix teaser is out and, while it only just gives us a few snippets of what the show will ultimately have to offer, the trailer presents a nice change in tone and pace for a Marvel project. Captain America: The Winter Soldier got close to something brand new for Marvel with its spy thriller vibe, but we haven’t seen the studio do anything quite like it’s signature style of grounded, street-level heroics for their films yet. That’s why it’s so nice to see them going all the way here with Daredevil.

There are one or two cheesy effects and the daytime scenes look distinctly TV, but that if it means an otherwise solid Daredevil Netflix show with the right tone and some strong performances, I’ll take it. If it’s half as good as DC’s super-serious “gritty” superhero show on The CW is, I guess it’ll be like 9/10ths of a show worth watching.

Marvel’s Daredevil Netflix Show Looks Like ‘The Wire’ With Ninjas And Punching was last modified: February 4th, 2015 by Nas Hoosen