Cartoons are Cool, Reality is Ridiculous

Here at Another-Day, we’re huge fans of animated shows. I’m not just saying that because we reminisce about the days of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dexter’s Laboratory and Samurai Jack. I’m saying we’re huge fans because we still prefer to switch over to Ben10 or Fairly Odd Parents before Jersey Shore. I’ve had a lot of people ridicule me for the fact that I still watch toons, saying that it’s immature and crap TV. Then again this is coming from the people who find Keeping up with the Kardashians interesting.

Of course I’m only referring to the reality shows that have cameras following people around their daily lives doing nothing, and the only reasons why said people are famous is because there are cameras following them around while they’re doing nothing. That, or they have a super famous dad who doesn’t really give a fuck about the show anyway because he’s too busy actually doing something with his life. Why do viewers care? “It’s because it’s so funny to see how stupid they are” is the general answer I get. So let me get this straight – you dedicate at least 20 minutes of your precious time an episode to watch other people being stupid?

Why has New Jersey become so popular lately? It’s funny, I get it, but doesn’t it (your soul) die out halfway through the show? I’ll admit that I gave Jersey Shore a chance. I was into it for a while, seeing Ron and The Situation getting all up in each other’s grills, but then Snooki was drinking on work duty and then they were typing a letter (OK maybe I watched more than one episode) and then I couldn’t give a fuck anymore. Why are they shouting at each other all the time? Why do the girls fight physically more than the guys? Oh, Ron and Sam are fighting again? Geez… When this all gets a bit much for me to handle, I switch over to my trusty cartoons, especially this one…

Adventure Time is the coolest cartoon around for me at the moment. In case you don’t know it, it’s the one that has a lookalike Skrillex girl vampire character named Marceline. It’s got a lot of adult humour and it’s so absurd that it’s hysterical. To be honest, I have no idea how this is a kids show. I do find it more stimulating and entertaining than reality TV though. In Adventure Time, I’m genuinely curious as to whether Finn & Jake can save the kingdom Ooo from evil and I know I’m definitely in for a few laughs along the way. You think real-life fights are intense? Pfff this show has a fucking Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant. Let me say that again – AN ANCIENT PSYCHIC TANDEM WAR ELEPHANT.

Adventure Time also has characters that are relatable. Like The Ice King. I empathize with him – I’m always forcing princesses to marry me and I have a diabolically-evil penguin – yet it’s all a mask I hide behind because I’m so misunderstood… I feel you, Ice King, you’re my boy. Jake & Finn also have a bromance that is way stronger than what I’ve seen from the Jersey Shore boys, especially when it comes to handling the ‘Grenades’. How the fuck am I supposed to relate to The Situation when he makes out with 20 girls a night and has perfect abs? I can’t, he’s way too awesome for me to compete. It’s a Jersey thing.

It's a Jersey thing

All I’m saying is that maybe people get too serious about cartoons now, maybe they forgot about their inner kid, so they resort to watching other people being silly and get caught up watching their daily shit. I suppose at the end of the day, it’s all just for entertainment purposes. It’s not like anyone is going to take some sort of life lesson from the guido ladies in the hair salon, right? Gosh I hope I’m right about saying that… Then again, Snooki has published three books so what the hell do I know? I’m just an Asian boy typing this post. It’s clear that we’ve taken life lessons from cartoons and maybe that does sound a little silly, but I think the Another-Day team are a bunch of decent guys. Scrawny, but decent. Is it wrong for 20-something-year-olds to enjoy a night of watching cartoons? Maybe. Well let’s see what else is on? Oh, it’s My Super Sweet 16:  goodness fucking gracious me, that’s nice, where’s my BMW M3, mom and dad? WORST. PARENTS. EVER!

  • hofpoes

    hey my son 7yrs, and myself 52 yrs old, watch Adventure Time together. We both love it