‘Night In The Woods’ Is The ‘Garden State’ Of Video Games [Video]

Night in the Woods

Night In The Woods is a new indie game by Infinite Fall (Alec Holowka and animator Scott Benson) that reached its $50,000 production goal on Kickstarter in just 26 hours. The story follows Mae, an angsty cat with paranormal powers who, after dropping out of college, returns home to a deteriorating mining town. Things have changed over the years, and the mysterious woods behind the town’s mines have something to do with it.

Jordan has mentioned before how games are starting to tell better stories than movies, because you as the player are a part of the progression. I’m really intrigued about Night In The Woods because I haven’t seen a game that has a story like this before. You get to hang out with your loser friends, do extra-curricular activities and explore the town of Possum Springs. It doesn’t sound very exciting, but I think that’s where the appeal lies. It’s a story that reminds me strongly of Garden State, where the characters are well defined and real, facing a sense of directionless despair.

Apart from looking really pretty, I think Night In The Woods holds massive potential as a game. The trailer has an awesome soundtrack to match, and I can’t wait to see the final product. The game will eventually be released on PC and Mac, but is obviously still being developed at the moment. Still, this video will give you some insight into the oddball finished product.