Tag Archives: Jozi Craft Beer Fest

The Jozi Craft Beer Fest was like A Summer Day [Pics/Video]

The Jozi Craft Beer Fest has been and gone and because we told you about it some and gave away tickets, you were probably there. If you weren’t, I’m not gonna lie, you pretty much missed out on an awesome summer day stuck right in the midst of Jozi’s winter season. Try not to do that again. But whether you weren’t there and wanna get a feel for the event, or if you were and just wanna relive a bit of the glory, we’ve got some pretty great digital memorabilia for you. Between our gallery, the short video and even a comment from our ticket winner, Dries Scholtz, we think we’ve got you covered.

Take the jump.

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Someone Won More Beer! [WINNER!]

You remember we were giving away tickets to Jo’burg’s first ever Craft Beer Fest, right? Riiiiight?

We asked folks to tell us “why [they] love beer so damn much” over on our Facebook@AnotherDayJhb or in the comments section. Well now we’re at that fantastical stage when we can announce who had the best reason, as well as highlight a few of the other notable responses.

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Win Tickets to Jozi’s First Craft Beer Fest [Interview/Gimme]

Back when I lost my testicles in what some call a “relationship” but I call a “knife fight for my soul with a venus fly trap”, I stopped drinking beer. I can’t explain why but I just lost my love for the taste of the stuff. I realize that you’re reading this from your desk right now, having thrown up on yourself; partly because of your disappointment in me, and partly because you’re on Beer #14 for the morning. It’s ok. I’ll wait while you clean yourself up.

Done? Alright.

Then you’re probably ready to here about this: The very first Jozi Craft Beer Fest is here!! Next Saturday the 26th of May, 17 craft breweries from across the country are coming together at the Pirates Rugby Club in Greenside to give us the one thing we can never have enough of: hangovers! We spoke to organizer Jason Cederwall about the event and can hook you up with free double tickets. Take the jump.

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