Tag Archives: Kelly Fung

Fashion Fung: The A-Z Guide to Designers & Labels [Part 1]

by Kelly Fung, fashion writer, Marie Claire

Love fashion? Who doesn’t? Over the next 5 weeks, I’ll be walking Another-Day readers through some of international fashion’s biggest designers and labels, kicking things off with American labels before moving on to another famous fashion destination. For the pure purpose of education, renewed knowledge or simply the impressive ability to throw a couple of names around in conversation, here is Part 1 (of 5) of Your A-Z Guide to Designers and Designer Labels.

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Fashion Fung: The Dreaded 3-in-1

by Kelly Fung, fashion writer, Marie Claire

I’m nosy. I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m the type of girl who, when visiting friends, will peek into your room or side-glance at your closet to see what you wear. Hell, I even take a little longer in your bathroom so that I can see what kinds of products you use: Do you own soap? Can you call yourself a flosser? Without sounding like too much of a stalker (I never rifle through drawers; how rude), my expert room-scanning skills enable me to tell a lot about a person. And my recent discoveries on the weird grooming rituals of boys – or lack thereof – have got me thinking, questioning, even fearing.

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Fashion Fung: Learn Em or Burn Em

by Kelly Fung, fashion writer, Marie Claire

When it comes to matters of style, my usual stance is “wear what you love, wear what feels right, you can’t go wrong”. Okay, truthfully, you can go wrong, but if it’s what makes you feel like a million bucks, who cares what the rules are? This little theory applies to all except for my three fashion pet peeves. There are three things that girls like to wear and flaunt carelessly, which make my insides snarl. Here they are.

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