“Can I Have All of Your Music?”

I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been asked this before: “How much music do you have? Like, how many gigs?” I’m not saying it happens every day, but when it does it makes me want to kick the person who’s asking me right in their ear. If you’re questioning my sudden aggression, then clearly you haven’t been asked this dreaded question before. Or even worse, You’re the person that I want to kick in the fucking ear!

The question itself isn’t so bad, actually. I don’t mind it if someone’s genuinely curious about the amount of disk space my mp3 files are occupying. It’s when the person gets a smirk from thinking they’re better than me. It’s when they have the satisfaction of saying: “Oh is that all? I have 400GB worth of music.” Oh ok, that’s great Your Majesty. And how much of that music have you actually listened to? How much of that music do you actually enjoy? How many of those tracks are labelled ‘track 1′, ‘track 2′ and ‘track 3′ by ‘unknown artist’? The best part is when they follow it up by saying: “So, can I have all of your music? Just copy it to my hard drive. All of it. Thanks.”

It insults me. It really does. I don’t mind sharing my library with people who appreciate the music I listen to because they actually take the time to listen to it and formulate their own opinion about it. In return, I get music that they think I will enjoy and then we can have a dance together. It’s just that I don’t like to give away music for the sake of contributing to some pointless collection.

These losers may as well be saying: “Oh ja, those Pokemon cards of yours are quite cool. I like the shiny ones, especially that orange dragon guy. Instead of trading, can’t I just have your shiny duplicates so that I can put them in my space-case?”

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